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Azafranes Manchegos - Azafranes Manchegos

Azafranes Manchegos


Tradition from 1850, five generations in the world of saffron

AZAFRANES MANCHEGOS is a family company with a long and dedicated trajectory in the production and commercialization of saffron since 1850, it was founded by Francisco Martínez, current managing director and fifth generation of his family.

The company is based in Alcala de la Júcar (Albacete) a privileged enclave in the region of La Mancha, where the best saffron in the world is cultivated.

AZAFRANES MANCHEGOS carefully selects suppliers assuring traditional cultivation and guaranteeing the highest quality saffron.

Our aim centers on constant improvement that includes quality management , food safety and last but not least the care and satisfaction of our clients.

ifs food

