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Toiletry bag with serum and facial cream - Azafranes Manchegos

This in:

Toiletry bag with serum and facial cream

KARKOM Saffron Serum and Cream Pack, innovation and quality that blends the antioxidant, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory properties of saffron stem cells with the luxurious sturgeon caviar extract. A unique experience to revitalize your skin.

Previus price: 99,95€ Sale price: 84,95€ IVA included

Product Attributes

This cotton toiletry bag holds the epitome of high-end cosmetics:

Introducing our exceptional SAFFRON SUPREME GLOW Serum, formulated with exclusive saffron stem cells, offering a unique facial experience with its antioxidant, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory properties. Combined with sturgeon caviar extract, our serum provides deep hydration to maintain the optimal softness and texture of your skin. Enriched with vitamin A, renowned for its anti-aging and moisturizing properties, it becomes the perfect ally to combat signs of aging. Organic citrus extracts add a revitalizing freshness, bringing an explosion of energy to your facial care routine. The light and silky gel texture of our serum are easily absorbed, providing a refreshing sensation and leaving your skin radiant.

Our SAFFRON RADIANCE ELIXIR Facial Cream has a unique formula incorporating the antioxidant, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory power of saffron stem cells, combined with the luxurious sturgeon caviar extract, providing deep hydration and preserving the natural softness and texture of your skin. It contains vitamins A and E, fighting premature aging, while revitalizing organic citrus extracts provide refreshing vitality. Additionally, our cream contains organic extra virgin olive oil, which not only hydrates but also protects, offering a unique facial experience.

Discover the revolution in facial care with us!


  • SERUM - 30ml glass jar with dispenser and natural wood cap.
  • CREAM - 50ml glass jar with natural wood cap.
  • Free Shipping for Spain and Portugal *only for Spain: península and Baleares
  • Phone support 967 474 093 L - V from 8h to 14h and 16h to 19h
  • Safe shopping Secure checkout with Visa, MasterCard and Paypal Money Back Guarantee